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Zara Tuck

What does digital fashion mean for the future?

Updated: May 16, 2022

What is digital fashion and why do we need it?

Photograph Via DressX / Graphic by Zara Tuck

Opinions on digital fashion differ, the majority of people do not understand why anyone would want to buy an item of clothing that does not exist in the physical world. However, the concept of digital clothing isn’t new, it has existed in video games for years and is estimated to be a multibillion-dollar industry. Since, it has been capitalised on by high fashion brands. For example, in 2021 Gucci partnered with Roblox, allowing users to try on digital Gucci items for their avatar. Despite being digital, the price tag remained, with Gucci Roblox items selling for the equivalent of $4000.

Gucci's Roblox Garden via Vogue Business

Darla Shapovalova and Natalia Modenova are the founders of DressX, an online company that sells digital clothes. It’s easy – you simply buy your item, upload a photo of yourself and DressX will simply send you an edited version. They founded the company after concluding the new generation of consumers often buy clothing just for creating online content and discard it after 1 wear. A study by Barclaycard shows that almost 1 in 10 British people buy clothes to only wear them once.

“Digital fashion is the new fast fashion. If we really want it fast, it should be digital.” – Darla Shapolova, Co-Founder of DressX

Digital fashion is a way forward in combatting the climate issues that overconsumption has caused. According to DressX, the carbon footprint of producing a digital garment is 95% less than the production for a physical version. The United Nations Economic Commissions for Europe have stated that the fashion industry is in a state of environmental and social emergency; Therefore, digital clothing may be the first step in pushing a change within the fashion world.

Currently, the real target audience for digital fashion is content creators who discard garments after 1 use, digital fashion will help reduce waste in emissions and textiles, acting as a sustainable alternative.

Influencer @safiyany in DressX

Personally, I am really excited to see where the metaverse is heading, - In the upcoming years, brands will be searching for people who can fill roles such as digital designers. This is amazing news for students, due to the fact the metaverse is new, companies looking to hire for these positions will not be looking for someone with experience. Therefore, the world of digital fashion will open up a lot of opportunities for fresh graduates. I know when I graduate, digital fashion roles will definitely be something I look into.



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